Business Areas

The effects of globalisation and the urgency for change to which companies are increasingly exposed create a need for permanent monitoring of market developments, existing financial options, and management decisions.

As risks grow greater, businesses are required to pay more attention and make quicker and more rigorous decisions.

In this context, the use of specialised consulting and advisory services has become an important tool in defining strategies for the optimal development of companies and projects.

The company Viability works mainly in the following areas:

Tax Benefits

Financial Planning

Financing Requests

Grant applications

Strategic Analysis

Business Assessment

Are you looking for excellent Financial Advice?

WelcomeViabiliti é agora Viability

A Viabiliti – Financial Management, Lda. exerce assessoria financeira desde 2005 com a mais elevada paixão, profissionalismo e competência. Desde 2021 que passou a demonstrá-lo sob a marca Viability business & financial advisory. A experiência mantém-se, a credibilidade será a mesma e a dedicação não muda. Queremos que Viability seja a sua marca de confiança!
